Crowther Consulting, LLC
Over 30 years of actuarial and employee benefit plan experience

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Benefit Funding and Accounting

Our benefit funding and accounting services consist of matching your current and anticipated business environment with required plan contributions and maximum tax-deductible limits. These services consist of:

  • Determining appropriate economic assumptions (i.e. salary increases, investment return and discount rates) consistent with benefit provisions, compensation policy and investment policy,

  • Selecting demographic assumptions (i.e., mortality, termination, retirement, etc.) based on actual  and anticipated experience,

  • Matching future contributions with future revenues based on various economic scenarios,

  • Projecting benefit cost and obligation for income statement and other comprehensive income purposes, and

  • Determining minimum required and maximum tax-deductible contributions.

The above services will assist you in planning for:

  • Changes in your current business environment,

  • Developing future strategies on cashflow management,

  • Adjusting to impact on the income statement and other comprehensive income, and

  • Planning year-end financial statements.